AESIEAP CEO Conference 2024

21 October 2024 - Monday

Registration and Welcome Reception

22 October 2024 - Tuesday

Session Details:

This session focuses on the collaborative efforts needed to enhance grid interconnectivity within the ASEAN region, emphasising the roles of power importers and utilities. The discussion will include best practices, capabilities, and experiences from leading industry players throughout the power import value chain, as well as utilities' perspectives on successful interconnection. Additionally, the session aims to identify and address technical, regulatory, and logistical obstacles, promote regional energy security, and support sustainability goals, all while creating a resilient and integrated ASEAN power grid. 

Key discussion points:

  • Effective strategies for power importers and utilities to enhance collaboration with regulators, transmission operators, and generation companies. 
  • Sharing successful strategies and technological advancements in the power import and utility sectors. 
  • Identifying and addressing technical, regulatory, and logistical obstacles in power import and grid interconnection. 
  • Addressing the intermittency challenges of renewable energy and ensuring mutual collaboration for grid resiliency. 

Session details:

Global interconnectivity is crucial for creating resilient and sustainable energy systems. This series of presentation leverages international expertise by utilities from Europe, China and beyond in power imports and long-distance transmission, and their experience in overcoming political and technical challenges in enabling cross border connectivity. 

Key discussion points:

  • Lessons learned from European, Chinese, and other international utilities in enabling long-distance power imports and cross-border transmission.
  • Overcoming political and regulatory barriers to achieve seamless global grid interconnectivity.
  • Technical challenges and innovative solutions for enhancing cross-border power transmission infrastructure. 
  • The role of international collaboration in achieving resilient and sustainable global energy systems. 
  • Strategic insights on leveraging international expertise to address regional interconnectivity needs and opportunities. 

Session Details:

In this panel, financiers from private banks, development banks, and institutional investors will share insights on financing large-scale energy import projects. The discussion will cover the availability of capital for ambitious projects, commercial perspectives on financing, and the various mechanisms that can enable these high upfront capital ventures. 

Key discussion points:

  • Assessing the various funding for large-scale energy import projects, starting from private banks, development banks, and institutional investors.
  • Understanding the financial viability and commercial considerations of funding high-capital energy import ventures vs early retirement of existing assets.
  • Exploring different financing models and mechanisms to support large-scale energy import projects.
  • Strategies for mitigating financial risks associated with large-scale energy imports.

Session Details:

These session covers a series of technical presentation focuses on the role of OEMs in enhancing regional power connectivity through revolutionary solutions. From subsea cable, to control systems, this session delves into the specific technical challenges faced during power import and regional grid integration, and how OEMs are addressing these challenges with cutting-edge technologies and innovative practices. 

Key Discussion points:  

  • Emerging trends and the future direction of OEM technologies in power connectivity.
  • Real-world examples of successful OEM-led projects enhancing regional connectivity.
  • Navigating regulatory challenges in regional power connectivity projects.
  • Evaluating the economic benefits and cost-effectiveness of new technologies implemented by OEMs.
  • Advances in subsea cable technology for improved durability and efficiency.
  • The role of modern control systems in enhancing grid stability and reliability.
  • Solutions for integrating renewable energy sources into regional grids.
  • Innovative practices and technologies to address technical obstacles in power import and grid integration.
  • Techniques for improving the resilience and reliability of interconnected power grids.
  • Strategies for fostering collaboration with utilities, regulators, and other stakeholders 


23 October 2024 - Wednesday

Technical site visit